Thursday, January 28, 2010

Herpes Comfort How Many Of You Have Genital Herpes?

How many of you have genital herpes? - herpes comfort

seems that a small town, only a few questions about herpes theres
I wondered how many of you have?
I've recently been diagnosed with it,
The fact that there was a lot of people out there with him, I will be a little consoled.
during his first house and my God, it is painful and irritating.
How long have you had your last home first?

Thank you (:


khp said...

I do not have herpes, but I did some research on him when he was the doctor who diagnosed before the results of the work my blood.

Based on scientific studies, 95% of Americans carry the wounds (HSV1 cold), the virus, although only 40% of people have a new home in their lives. I know that most people find hard to swallow the numbers, but I have with my cousin who is in medical school.

In addition, virus, approximately 30-45% of Americans herpes (HSV2 genital area). Once again, most people are not a relapse in his life.

However, there is no way to know who gave you genital herpes. It sounds crazy, but you could be your mother! Here's how: In the past, could be through the genital HSV2 genital contact, the virus has mutated since then and can now be transmitted orally accepted. This means that anyone who drinks or kissing under the mouth could have genital herpes. All I had to do, when the virus was given oral sex to your members then had sex with (or would have kissed her / he / she would have oral sex with you).

We're sorry that you have herpes, but certainly not alone. In addition, ignore the idiots who make light of his situation. It's just the middle! They know what they say about karma ...

PS I hope you read this message. So maybe not so complacent (and can also be tested).

LINDSEY S said...

I have oral and genital herpes in the genitals, the majority of genital herpes in my mouth. Please do not give me the run down to be honest.
About 40 percent of the population have genital herpes, which is about 1 in 5 adults with them. Also, more than half of people with genital herpes do not know they have it.
My departure from the first break lasted about a week with drugs. I had all the classic symptoms such as flu-like things. The second was as bad as the first, but an infection as cellulitis had been shot in my leg. I have had herpes for over a year, I suspect that my current boyfriend when he fell on the night with a cold sores (herpes labialis). The good thing is that it may take less time to pause and suppressive therapy, helping to break. Now you only need one or two small sores or blisters when it comes to taking my medication at the time.
You can have a normal life with herpes, it is up to you to make this possible. Contacts with herpes is a little difficult, but possible. You can make a job or career, marriage and children even.Herpes occurs when someone can look beyond beyond, and then maybe find a good man. I think you have herpes and know my little secret that only a few people.

Jenna56 said...

I got it, yeahh it sucks and you think your alone. honeslty but you'd be surprised how many people actually.

90% of people do not even know that they are because they have no symptoms.

Most of my friends have cold sores and I think it is not herpes, but it is. That's how I do, someone who has cold sores.

In his diagnosis, but its certainly manageable traumatic ... The only thing is that the social stigma. If people are not so ignorant, it would not have to think big deal, but somehow people, its hilarious diagnosed, until the complete scenario of 180

2/3rds of the population has type-1-commonly called cold sores, but 100% of sexually transmitted through oral sex, so that the type-1 genital herpes ... And Type 1 is not the type 2, even if you down.

1 to 4 people with type 2, commonly known as genital herpes (the Valtrex is used).

Its certainly an epidemic, and you will findMany people with this disease over the years, the progress ...

We consider it a pastime in the skin, not an illness.

If you need help, should go
It is a very useful site that provide forums with many people who has to answer your questions and concerns.

theLOSTo... said...

KHP, or should I choose the best answer ..... HSV2 I just found out 4 months ago and I had not slept all in a serious relationship 4 2 years, my first home in the neck of the uterus and hence the doc had said it was only 1 packet, but he's still herpes, I know when I urinate burning and itching in hell when both the itching began to heal, took about 2 weeks and never came back, n Do not forget that the mind is very powerful so powerful that when the search for the higher self and find inner peace and feel negative about it, that the body can affect the immune system and for the best, believe me I read a little j and her abotu not as bad as people do not account for atleast 2 B. AIDS or HIV, remember that God will take you through hell just to the sky.

dreamvas... said...

Even if someone suggested that they could not herpes. Some people just do not have an epidemic. But just because it does not mean an epidemic, they do not. So herpes is usually from people who have no homes spread out from them the feeling that no place is and for people who give easy-to-epidemic.

This is an important factor why people can ask how many members had before them. It's like the inclusion of a dye could be rolling the misfortune of setting.

bbb5483 said...

I went with a woman who had stopped and after the commitment we have to end. I thought it does nothing, and I wanted children. So we decided to end the separation and now the Stuck With Herp. In any case, I never had an epidemic that is very rare. I am "lucky" that no symptoms. The only drawback is the stigma that comes with it. I have never told anyone what I have and plan to report only for couples. At first I was depressed, but has the support of others helped me. You are not alone:)

Me said...

About 90% of people with genital herpes do not know they have it. About 80% of the population of herpes, which may have transmitted to the genitals through oral sex if herpes lesions are present or not. My doctor says 1 of 2 people have herpes. Most people who stigmatize herpes and are so afraid of you probably already have a kind of ignorance and passed on to others.

Bruce C said...

I feel your pain ... the first signs of Saturday. Cultured on Monday, with positive results yesterday HSV1. All the classic symptoms of here ... Fever, headache, sore throat, itching in advance ... sucks really and honestly wanted to crawl under a rock in shame.

I am 30 years old and never had an STD. I started with 4 women in the last 10 years I've seen in a long-term relationship of 6 years and has been 3rd

I am 99% sure that I hired for my new girlfriend of 4 months ago. I truly believe that and had no idea. She never had any symptoms of herpes, since we cooperate through the research, and I believe that women can have a long term and do not know ...

I am sure you have as much research as I do, and perhaps have been surprised how much it is.

Now that I ... Anyway ... or anything i thought it would ... What matters is how I try to stay alive. I am 100% sure that my partner has been faithful and honest with me from Day 1 that Iwith him. It is something that we, together with the work. Life is too short to put the blame or to be angry.

I wish him all the best. Feel free to contact me if you need someone to talk with you!

jpc_juli... said...

I was diagnosed, there are only 2 months. That really stinks. I know that at first feels like the end of their world, but not so bad, but ..
I had only 1 outbreak so far .. which lasted about a week so painful in those days. It really hurts me ..
Good luck!

pedro7of... said...


ThomasTJ... said...

No, I'm clean. It's hard to keep immediately sexually transmitted diseases, if you're wise.

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