Thursday, January 14, 2010

Glob Of Cervical Mucus At Day 20 Cervical Mucus?

Cervical Mucus? - glob of cervical mucus at day 20

I am 20 days on cycle, and I think on day 13 ovulation. I have a lot of mucus. I thought the dried mucus a few days after ovulation. I have a lot of white mucus, I'm sorry if TMI, but sometimes balloons ... Is this normal?

Thank you!


Vicky said...

I'm also very difficult to confirm CM after ovulation (Ov. With my pressure tank, so I'm sure I have the dates right).

The important thing is the quality of the CM. You have to realize that the drainage EWCM, even if you continue to receive other types of CM (like cream), sticky or watery. If you do not stretch the CM between the fingers more than an inch (2-3cm) and EWCM so it is not really fertile material. Hope this helps. Sounds like ovulation was CD13 ... Welcome to the 2WW! 6dpo'm today, then we are in the same boat:)

Vicky said...

I'm also very difficult to confirm CM after ovulation (Ov. With my pressure tank, so I'm sure I have the dates right).

The important thing is the quality of the CM. You have to realize that the drainage EWCM, even if you continue to receive other types of CM (like cream), sticky or watery. If you do not stretch the CM between the fingers more than an inch (2-3cm) and EWCM so it is not really fertile material. Hope this helps. Sounds like ovulation was CD13 ... Welcome to the 2WW! 6dpo'm today, then we are in the same boat:)

Vicky said...

I'm also very difficult to confirm CM after ovulation (Ov. With my pressure tank, so I'm sure I have the dates right).

The important thing is the quality of the CM. You have to realize that the drainage EWCM, even if you continue to receive other types of CM (like cream), sticky or watery. If you do not stretch the CM between the fingers more than an inch (2-3cm) and EWCM so it is not really fertile material. Hope this helps. Sounds like ovulation was CD13 ... Welcome to the 2WW! 6dpo'm today, then we are in the same boat:)

~mommy2j... said...

Yes, you should not) more EWCM at this point, but some women still have the last inch of ovulation (wet and sticky, creamy. Not everyone is completely dry right after ovulation. I am 5 DPO and a couple of sticky cm. This is normal. :)

Good luck to ya!

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