Whats the Normal Mucus Changes through out a cycle? - mucus on the cervix before menstruation
In about a week and a half of my next term, and I was to notice changes in my cervical mucus before and I remember.
Sorry for the ..... TMI
When I ovulate, chest pain and cramping in my ovary region. I had sore breasts about 12 days of my cycle and see some really clear, mucus and protein. After about a bad day for my breasts, the Faider available.
Then I began to be reserved for a very thin, white mucus. I was wet all the time. Now it has become is a very tough, like thick mucus. After checking my cervix, it still seems really cute, soft, and seems like the opening, as well. But it is there. Can anyone tell me whether this applies to this time in a normal cycle?
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